To get started, just download the Pete & Harry app.
Then create an account if you don’t have one already.
Quickly snap a few photos of your items at home. Don’t worry about photo quality; we’ll professionally retake them later so your items sell as fast as possible!
We’ll notify you on which items are accepted and suggest sales prices. No commitment— you always have the option to approve or decline our suggested prices!
Bring or send in your approved items. Then just sit back and relax. We’ll do the rest, like answering questions from potential buyers!
Drop off at Styrmansgatan 12, Stockholm, Monday-Friday, 11:00-17:00.
Send your approved garments to:
Pete & Harry
Styrmansgatan 12
114 54 Stockholm
Keep track of your earnings and get paid! We offer full transparency on how much your items have sold for, what your commission is, and your lifetime earnings with us.