Gadgets to Save the Day.

I think we all struggle hard to get through the harsh everyday life sometimes, not least in times like the one we find ourselves in today. Both because of the weather and then, of course, because of more obvious reasons. We all have different ways of getting around endless working days or bitter mornings with rain whipping in our faces. My consolation in recent years has been my passionate interest in style. The rushing winds of January morning will be a fun challenge to keep away with a stylish coat and a large, warming scarf. It has become a sport for me to remain elegant throughout the entire workday despite the endless violations of the weather.


In addition to the interest in style and clothing, there is a great satisfaction to be found in beautiful gadgets and home decor details. Not least now, when many of us work from home, a beautifully decorated desk can light up the workday. I have also found a great charm in expressing my personality through the gadgets I carry with me or the details I decorate with. For my part, I have never cared about whether my stuff is exclusive or in any way expensive. Instead, it is a matter of using my inner creativity and playing with various ingenious expressions. Why not have a fantastic looking letterpress with a dog on, or a cool date viewer, for example? And, even though I'm not a smoker myself, I love having an ashtray and a pipe on my desk, it makes me at least feel like I'm fulfilling my dream of being a journalist in the '70s.


 The same of course applies when I go out on an errand or when it's time to go out for lunch - for example, replacing the old, ugly wallet with an excellent vintage one in a lovely leather. Or if the sun were to show itself, who does not want to be able to, subtly, brag with a pair of tasteful sunglasses. Whether you prefer a pair of classic Wayfarers or if you, like me, want a pair of incredibly sharp sunglasses for the ski slope, there are several different alternatives here that meet those requirements.



 To be clear, as you probably understood by now, it is the many stylish details that give an elegant overall impression. It is a matter of lifting each piece a notch further up the scale of elegance. And only you know what you need and what you like. My personal favourite is to replace the phone's notepad app with a classic tasteful notepad consisting of binders and paper, which makes this week's memo list both more fun to write and more elegant to read. The important thing is, let your creativity flow and express who YOU are.


/Linus Johansson