Make home your favourite place

Right now, is probably the time when people are home more than ever. Mainly due to the pandemic which has paralyzed an entire world, of course, but now when we are also approaching Christmas holidays. And this time it will surely be a holiday in the safe corner of the home.


We have all had a tough year, for all the same reason of course. Something that, if it did not affect you with tragic deaths and terrible financial misery, certainly gnawed a bit on your psyche and brought with it a certain feeling of hopelessness for the future. Regardless of whether we try to strengthen ourselves as much as possible and do everything we can of the current situation and the problems we face.


We here at Pete & Harry obviously do not have the solution to all problems, but we would like to help you with what we can. As previously mentioned, the times we are approaching is generally the point of the year where we spend the most time at home. Therefore, it feels like it is of utmost importance for each individual to ensure that you get to spend time in a house, apartment or room that is cosy and feels like being at home. A feeling that most people can agree on is important for everyone's inner peace and provides the best possible conditions for having as good a holiday as possible. What can we do then? Of course, everyone has their preferences for what is a pleasant way to live and here with us you can find the details that make a difference and that give you the chance to put your very own impact on the home. And in the same vein, benefit both your wallet and the climate by buying preloved products.


In addition to doing the climate and the wallet a favour, you can, via vintage and preloved products, give yourself a unique opportunity to create the home of your dreams. For, few things are as elegant as having a home decorated in a highly personal style with thoughtful choices in the form of all the different details of the interior. Put a historic touch with a classic automatic alarm clock to express your personality or decorate the living room with iconic magazines and books to show what kind of unique individual you are. Or why not express who you wish you were. After all, in your interior design style or clothing style, you have a rare chance to express who you want to be, and not just who you actually are.


Your best drinks deserve to be served in the best glasses and on a beautiful tray. Of course, you want your Gin & Tonic to be ice cold and what is more elegant than picking out an ice bucket filled to the top with perfect ice cubes.



After the drink, you and your friends need to have something to do, put away your mobile phones and hang out together with a classic game of cards.



Give your home the perfect vintage feel for an as homely and cosy impression as possible. Decorate with some classic books or historically beautiful gadgets like a table lighter or a pair of amazing candle holders.                 



Wish you an elegant time staying home!



Linus Johansson